Wednesday 23 March 2011

BMS / Building Automation

Building Automation Systems (BAS) optimize the start-up and performance of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and alarm systems. BAS greatly increases
the interaction of mechanical subsystems within a building, improve occupant comfort, lower
energy use and allow off-site building control

BAS use computer-based monitoring to coordinate, organize and optimize building control
Fuction/ sub-systems such as security, fire/life safety, etc. Common applications include :
1. Equipment scheduling (turning equipment off and on as required)
2. Optimum start/stop (turning heating and cooling equipment on in advance to ensure the
building is at the required temperature during occupancy)
3. Operator adjustment (accessing operator set-points that tune system to changing
4. Monitoring (logging of temperature, energy use, equipment start times, operator logon, etc)
5. Alarm reporting (notifying the operator of failed equipment, out of limit temperature/pressure
conditions or need for maintenance.

The system is DDC (Direct Digital Control) based with functions distributed both physically and functionally over the field controllers. The DDC interface, with sensors, actuators and environmental control systems, carries out various functions of energy management, alarm detection, time/event/holiday/temporary scheduling, communication interface/control and building maintenance & report generation.

These controllers are capable of functioning on a stand-alone mode, even in case of loss of communication with the central control station. We work closely with the owners and architects to install software packages into the system that are customized for the project. Other integrated packages in the system include active graphics software, energy management software, alarm indication software, maintenance package and billing software.

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